Creating a Letterhead and Personal Email Signature

1 min read
Updated: Jan 17, 2021

After you start to use Konnexsion for messaging you will quickly find that you want to make your documents and emails better visually presented. Do you want to add a disclaimer to the bottom of your mails as you sign them off? Our letterhead and email signature template features can help you with this.

  • Letterhead is where you can add ‘company-wide’ content to your documents. Personally, we use this to add Letterhead details to the top of the documents we convert to PDF.
  • An email signature is where you can add your standard sign-off. Company marketing logos and disclaimers that you wish to add to the bottom of your messages.

These features come part of a text editing tool that we call TypeAhead where you are able to add pre-defined information to your messages. Watch this video to see how you can create simple yet good looking Letterheads and email Signatures then using TypeAhead add these templates to your documents and emails.
