Connected Parties and Data Sharing

Connected Parties and Data Sharing

One of the most powerful elements of the Konnexsion Property Manager Platform is the ability to connect with other parties in order to effectively manage your property portfolio and optimise the rental experience. This document explains what is meant by a connected party and what information is shared.



Connected Parties

What is a connected party?

A connected party is a user, that is not part of your organisation's team. This user has been invited by you to collaborate as a result of an invitation you sent via the Property Manager application. This invitation will be linked to a specific tenancy or agency agreement in the system.



Are there different types of connected parties?

Yes there are a number of different types of connected party. These are listed below:

  • Tenant: A tenant can be invited by either a landlord account or agent account through a tenancy agreement
  • Agent: An agent is invited by a landlord to support the rental activities through an agency agreement
  • Landlord: A landlord is invited by an agent when a property is added to the portfolio and connected through an agency agreement.



How long is a party connected for?

A connected party remains connected for the duration of the agreement that instigated the invitation. In the case of a tenant this is the tenancy agreement. In the case of an agent or landlord this is the agency agreement. At the end of the agreement, when it has been closed, parties are no longer connected and would need to be invited again as part of another agreement to continue sharing information.



When my connected party agreement comes to an end, will my other party still be able to log onto the Property Manager Application?

Users have access to the application for more reasons than as a result of connecting with your entity. They will continue to be able to log into the solution after your connection comes to an end. What they will no longer have access to is ongoing information sharing with yourself or your entity.


Can I connect with a user without sharing any information?

No the process of connecting users is specifically intended to share information. By creating an agency or tenancy agreement and inviting users to these agreements you are explicitly agreeing to share details with these users.



Data Sharing

What is the scope of information that is shared with the connected party?

Only general information or information directly related to the contract you setup with the other party is shared. If a contract is for a single unit within a property then that unit, its contents and documents are shared.



What specific information is shared with the connected party?

There are a number of different data elements which are shared with a connected party


General Information

  • User Profile: A users name, their profile picture and contact details
  • Entity Profile: The entity's full Name and Contact details. These details are added into the agency or tenancy agreements at the time it is created


Contract Specified Information

  • Property Summary Details: The details of the Property and it's address
  • Property Rooms and Contents: The details of the rooms and contents that are directly related to the connected party agreement
  • Property Documents: Documents that have been uploaded into the system with a visibility option other than "My Organisation Only" will be subject to sharing during the contract
  • Case information: Any information passed between one party and another is by definition shared. A case by itself will not be shared until it has been specifically sent to another party



What information is never shared with a connected party

  • Properties not related to the tenancy or agency agreement
  • Documents flagged as "My Organisation Only" 



If I add a room, content or document to a property that is part of an active agency or tenancy agreement, will the agent and tenant see this change?

Yes this is exactly the purpose of sharing. If you add a boiler certificate to your boiler then it will instantly become available to the other parties. The same would go for an EPC or perhaps a user manual. If you replace and add a new dishwasher then this new machine will become visible to the other parties. This activity of sharing enables your connected parties to gain access to important information or have the ability to raise a case against the dishwasher if a problem arises.



If I invite a tenant through a tenancy agreement, is that tenant able to see all the properties in my portfolio?

Not at all. A tenant will only ever see content specifically related to the contract agreement and the property that is linked to that property.



When I create an agency contract with an agent / landlord. What information is shared?

Only general information and the information directly related to this contract wil be shared.

  • Your profile details
  • Your entity details
  • The contract itself including any documents linked to the contract
  • The properties that are included with the contract
  • When a tenant agreement is established for the property then both the landlord and agent will also have access to this information.



How is the information shared?

We operate a strict data structure that prevents users gaining access to information outside their own entity. As such when a contract is established between two parties in the system all relevant data is copied into both parties data partitions. You should consider data shared in this way to be similar to the sharing of documents via email. When you send an email with documents it has been passed over to the other party.



What happens at when an agreement that connects parties comes to an end?

The platform will instantly stop sharing data between these parties. And information already shared remains with the respective users. However updates to information will no longer be passed to the other parties.



After I have shared information can I withdraw it?

Once information has been shared it has been effectively passed to the other party. You would have to ask them to remove your information from their records if you wished this to happen. Remember it is often the case that the other party has their own reporting obligations that requires them to retain their own records of activity.



If I share information by mistake can I ask Konnexsion to remove it from the other parties system?

Konnexsion team members do not have access to this information or the storage mechanisms. Just as if you had sent a document in error by email you would need to contact the other party and ask them to erase it.



If my data is shared does that mean it is public?

At no stage is data held within the Konnexsion system publicly accessible. You are only able to share data with other system users that you have connected with through a time bound agreement. Data shared in this manner cannot be made available to wider user communities. 


Who governs the data?

Your data is yours and is governed by yourself. When you pass information to other parties either by email or as part of the data sharing mechanisms in the Konnexsion Platform it has been shared by you and is governed by any agreement that you have with the other party. At no time is the shared data governed by Konnexsion Property Ltd