Fair Usage Policy

Fair Usage Policy


Effective Date: 21 Jul 2022


As part of our commitment to providing a high-quality, fast and reliable service, whilst at the same time provide as much flexibility to our users as possible, we combine fixed usage limits as defined in your subscription plan with our fair usage policy also known as the FUP.


The FUP contains guidelines for customers' use of the Konnexsion Property Manager application to ensure that each customer has a consistently high-quality experience. Konnexsion takes measures to ensure usage is within reasonable parameters and in accordance with the licence. 


Why do we have a Fair Usage Policy?

Konnexsion Property Manager is a multi-tenant service. This means our products are used concurrently by a number of subscribers. If a single customer places very high demands on the service then it is possible that this well affect the experience of other users. 


We also wants to ensure we maximise the flexibility of the subscriptions we offer to our customers and we do this by providing fixed capacity limits on only a small set of parameters as defined within each subscription plan. In taking this approach, we may find a small number of subscribers consume unexpected and significantly higher levels of activity, from the typical user of a particular subscription plan. This usage can have a dramatic impact to our resources and as a consequence impact our other customers.  


The vast majority of our customers use their service in accordance with our anticipated usage levels across the scope of functionality. Even though only a very small number of our customers may use the service inappropriately, their activity has the potential to affect the service for others. Our Fair Usage Policy manages the inappropriate or unanticipated usage and makes sure the service can be used by everyone.


The Fair Usage Policy

Usage of the Konnexsion Property Manager application is monitored on a continuous basis. Only customers that generate significant high usage patterns beyond what we would expect to be the norm for a particular subscription plan will be affected by the Konnexsion FUP. Whilst we do not publish the specific limits of consumption we do define the categories of activity that are monitored. Konnexsion reserves the right to amend these categories and the limits set within.


The FUP covers the following areas of activity or consumption in any particular calendar month or subscription period

  • Number of document uploads
  • Number of connected parties
  • Total number of connected parties
  • Volume of cases raised
  • Volume of messages raised or received as part of the case management mechanism
  • Number of financial transactions processed
  • Frequency and access to the support team


As part of this FUP Konnexsion will act consistently across the whole customer base within the same subscription plan.


Exceeding the Fair Usage Policy

If, through its monitoring, Konnexsion identifies a customer that has exceeded the FUP they will inform this customer via the application and via email. The customer will have the option of changing usage behaviour to remain within the FUP parameters or, if offered by Konnexsion, accepting a subscription addon to their existing plan that would cover the unexpected usage. This addon will be chargeable and subject to payment terms set out in the SaaS agreement.


If the customer chooses not to take an option of a subscription addon and continues to consume the application in a manner that exceeds the FUP, Konnexsion reserves the right to restrict activity or consumption via means of placing system enforced limits on the customers account.


Changes to the Fair Usage Policy

This Fair Usage Policy may be updated from time to time, and the latest version of the document will be made available by Konnexsion on the legal portal: https://legal.kpm.one